Not Licensed Yet?
Here at the Family First Life family, we believe in putting the agents first and creating a unique experience that sets agents up for successful and lucrative careers. We provide the prelicensing course at NO COST to obtain your respective state license for candidates who qualify. Ask your hiring agent or contact us at hiring@eliteffl.com for more details!
1. Create your Hierarchy Compensation Management System (HCMS) profile via the link sent to your email
2.Purchase E&O Insurance if you haven’t already
• Most FFL Agents use Napa Benefits E&O: HERE
• Select Option B
• Select $1,000,000 per “claim”/$3,000,000 annual aggregate
3. Complete your carrier contracting requests in SureLC HERE
• Watch the SureLC Overview Video HERE
• Create a New Profile, request contracts for all of the carriers listed Ex. Mutual of Omaha, Athene, Americo, AIG, & John Hancock.
• Confirm they move to “BGA” status
• SureLC Statuses:
• Producer: Go back through and confirm your contract request
• BGA: Good job, you have done it correctly and your contract has been sent to our FFL home office
• Carrier: FFL home office has sent your contract to the carrier
• Discarded: Locate the reason and email joan@fflelitecontracting.com for help
• Until approved, check your contracting requests daily for any notes added by the home office or carriers
4.Complete your carrier contracting requests in HCMS
• Log into your HCMS Account: HERE
• Go to “Requests” 🡪” + Add Requests” 🡪 Select “Add Carrier” 🡪 New Carrier
• Add Aetna and American Amicable
• These requests will be sent to our home office for approval, then added into your SureLC profile for you to submit. Follow the previous instructions for adding carriers through SureLC.
5. Complete the Prosperity contracting via the link sent to your email by your manager
6. Complete Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Course(s)
• Learn about AML: HERE
• This can be completed through LIMRA: HERE
• Complete American Amicable specific AML and upload to SuranceBay “Profile Docs”: HERE
7. Create an FFL+ account to access your CRM via the unique link emailed after you have completed all contracting requests. This is where you will purchase and manage your leads.
• Check your Spam and Promotions folder if it was not received then inform your direct manager. search for an email from SMTP.relay@familyfirstlife.com
8. Follow up with each carrier 5 business days after your Contract Requests status changed to “Carrier” on SureLC if you have not received an email with your writing numbers
• Carrier Contact Info can be found under “Agent Info” in the FFL Elite Google Drive HERE
• Verify they have all your contracting paperwork and that there are no outstanding requirements
• Keep an eye on your email box for important messages and contracting confirmation from the carriers
• Make sure to look in your Spam and Promotional folders of your email
9. Add your writing numbers into HCMS
• Carriers will send you their welcome emails containing your writing number
• Log into your HCMS Account
• Go to “Requests” > “Add Requests” > “Add Carrier” > “Missing Carrier”
Phone, Product, and In-Home Training
- If new agents complete the boot camp within 10 days, they will receive 30% off their first lead order!
Need more details? Contact us
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Steps to start partnership
Analysis and audit
Prepare documents
Finish process
Flexible solutions
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Team work
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Cheap pricing
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Abram Mango
Rayna Curtis
Music Director